Welcome to DayCampJobs!
California Day Camps Seeking Motivated, Passionate Summer StaffBe a role model
At camp, every day is an opportunity to teach a child something new, lend a supportive ear, or create memories for a camper to cherish. Surrounded by a committed group of peers, you can make your summer matter!
Find your passion
Camps are now hiring for a wide variety of positions. Whether you love adventure, art, athletics, theater, animals, watersports, or simply working with children, there’s a camp out there with a job you’ll love!
Live at home
No need to spend your summer away from friends and family- day camps throughout California are looking for staff who live locally. Consult our map to find a day camp near your summer home.
Build your resume
Camp work is fun, rewarding, AND a smart choice for your future. That internship might teach you how to get a coffee order right, but camp teaches you practical leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills.